An important role as a new mother is taking in enough essential nutrients to fuel your developing baby’s development and keep your own body strong. One thing to cut out or limit in your diet: caffeine. Most doctors recommend curbing your caffeine consumption at no more than 200 milligrams a day, or about one cup of coffee.1,2 (Some pregnant women are more sensitive to caffeine than others.) There are conflicting reports on whether too much caffeine can cause miscarriage.2 Until the effects of caffeine on your developing baby are certain, keep your consumption below the recommended limits.
Other common side effects of too much caffeine:2
Jittery sensations
Elevated blood pressure
Increased heart rate
Digestive problems
Sleeping problems
All these reasons make limiting coffee, chocolate, and other caffeinated products a good idea during your pregnancy.
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- KidsHealth from Nemours: Can I Still Have Coffee when I’m Pregnant? http://kidshealth.org/parent/question/infants/preg_caffeine.html
- March of Dimes: Caffeine in Pregnancy http://www.marchofdimes.org/pregnancy/caffeine-in-pregnancy.aspx