We support the World Health Organisation’s recommendation for exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of life and continued breastfeeding along with the introduction of nutritionally adequate and safe complementary (solid) foods at 6 months together with continued breastfeeding up to two years of age and beyond.

Your growing baby’s development in week 11

Help your growing baby develop in your eleventh week of pregnancy

Find out how you can fuel the growth of neurological connections taking place in your developing baby’s brain in week 11 of pregnancy.

What’s happening in Week 11 of my pregnancy?

The major formation stage for the growing baby is almost complete and your growing baby is officially considered a fetus at this point. His or her genitalia begin forming this week, and his or her liver is now creating red blood cells in order to deliver oxygen through the body.

Your growing baby’s brain cells are multiplying rapidly and his or her neurons and synapses are developing fast. These early neural connections allow your growing baby to make his or her first movements, which may not be felt by you, but can be detected by ultrasound.

Your developing baby now weighs about 8 grams and is almost two inches (5 centimeters) long.

What can you expect in Week 11 of pregnancy?

Hormonal changes in your body can induce a breakout of acne on your face. Try these tips to keep breakouts at bay:

  • Wash your face twice daily with a mild cleanser and lukewarm water.
  • Avoid squeezing those bumps.
  • Monitor what you eat. Certain foods may trigger or worsen acne for some people.

What can I do to support my pregnancy in week 11?

Keeping a close eye on your diet is important as the blood vessels in the placenta are expanding in size and number at this pregnancy stage.

As the placenta passes nutrients that you consume to your developing baby , continue to have a healthy diet filled with key nutrients such as DHA, choline, folate, and iron.

By doing this, you are supporting your growing baby’s brain development including the growth of neurological connections.

You could also nurture your emotional bond with your little one by talking and singing to him or her, and encouraging your partner or a close family member to do the same.

Your growing baby’s development in week 12



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  9. Georgieff MK. (2007) Nutrition and the developing brain: nutrient priorities and measurement. Am J Clin Nutr. 85(2):      
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